Posted byby LidaLostMarch 11, 2025Sundance ‘25 World Documentary Competition: “Predators” David Osit’s harrowing Sundance documentary on NBC’s infamous true crime series “To Catch a Predator” takes…
Posted byby LidaLostMarch 11, 2025Sundance ‘25 Midnight: “Together” Alison Bree and Dave Franco unite on many levels in an amusing horror film about emotional…
Posted byby LidaLostMarch 11, 2025Sundance ‘25 US Dramatic Competition: “Lurker” Théodore Pellerin and Archie Madekwe shine in Alex Russell’s cynical feature debut about parasitical friendship and…
Posted byby LidaLostMarch 11, 2025Sundance ‘25 Premieres: “The Stringer” Bao Nguyen’s mesmerising documentary follows a photojournalist in his search for the truth about the authorship…
Posted byby LidaLostMarch 11, 2025PÖFF ‘24 Baltic Competition: “Touched by Eternity” Does the title of Mārcis Lācis monstrous entry to Tallinn’s Black Nights Film Festival refer to…
Posted byby LidaLostMarch 11, 2025Sundance ‘25 US Dramatic Competition: “Atropia” “Everyone else is making money off this war,” kommentiert die Hauptfigur Hailey Gates ungelenker Kriegssatire in…
Posted byby LidaLostMarch 11, 2025PÖFF ‘24 Competition: “Buzzheart” Dennis Iliadis mixes a dash of Greek Weird Wave with copycat horror to get his spot…
Posted byby LidaLostMarch 11, 2025Sundance ‘25 Next: “East of Wall” Wenn man ein Beispiel für einen quintessenziellen Sundance-Film sucht, dann wäre das Kate Beecrofts semi-biografisches Spielfilm-Regiedebüt.…
Posted byby LidaLostMarch 11, 2025Sundance ‘25 US Documentary Competition: “Life After” Der Name Elizabeth Bouvia steht synonym für den andauernden Kampf um das Recht auf Freitod. Zugleich…
Posted byby LidaLostMarch 11, 2025Sundance ‘25 Premieres: “Deaf President Now!” Wer sich über die Sound-Einstellungen im Kinosaal wundert, wenn Nyle DiMarcos bewegendes Regiedebüt mit Szenen absoluter…